Google is glorious, even if they are plotting to take over the world. In searching for stoke stocking stuffers of caffeinated relevance, I came across this Kickstarter page pimping a clever new product to prospective bankrollers.
Hypothetical situation. You're sitting at your desk with freshly poured perk that's too hot to drink. Far too wee in the work day to sear your tongue like tuna tataki on the grill at Benihana, you set it aside, knowing it will be safely sippable sometime in the next several minutes. Sometime in this dubious cooling period you've mentally allotted your cuppa, your boss saunters his egregious presence into the cubicle colony, peers downward into your carpet-lined hell cell of corporate conformity and either demands that one task you dread doing without caffeinated armament, or shares stories from his Sandals all-inclusive family getaway on some Caribbean island named for a fake-sounding saint you couldn't care less about. And when the distraction is done, it's too late! The warmth window has shut. The virgin pour cooled into a cold, bitter spinster. Nevertheless, you'll down it in despair.
It's a status quo we've come to accept. And seriously, what's more offensive than the thought of microwaving a latte? There must be something to stop this torture.
...and that's why these guys invented Joulies:
Coffee Joulies from Coffee Joulies on Vimeo.
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